
Smart logistic tracking

fleetr provides visualized solutions for logistic tracking by mining and integrating data on global ship schedules, vessel tracking, container tracking, cargo tracking, etc.

Advanced features

we know professionals will love

Ship Schedules
Ship Schedules

Find sailing schedules by any route or vessel

Vessel Tracking
Vessel Tracking

Discover real-time ship positions and marine traffic

Cargo Tracking
Cargo Tracking

See your cargo location on the map in real-time

Explore fleetr

What else do we offer for your efficiency

Route Planer
Voyager Finder
Vessel/Fleet Positions
Vessels in Custom Area
Port Calls
Expected Port Arrivals
Vessel Particulars
Container Tracking
Logistic Freights

Small investment. Huge Takeaway.

Choose a plan that matches your needs - we have you covered.

Pay Monthly Pay Yearly Get 2 months FREE

Hobby Plan
Free Forever
  • Limited ship schedules
  • Limited vessel tracking
  • Personal use only
  • Community support
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Explorer Plan
Billed $49 monthly
  • Unlimited ship schedules
  • Route planer
  • Voyager finder
  • Schedules for 5 weeks
  • Email support
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Voyager Plan
Billed $49 monthly
  • Unlimited vessel tracking
  • Vessel real-time status
  • Port calls
  • Vessel particulars
  • Email support
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Captain Plan
Aye, Aye Aye, Aye
Billed $69 monthly
  • Unlimited ship schedules
  • Unlimited vessel tracking
  • Route planer
  • Voyager finder
  • Schedules for 5 weeks
  • Vessel real-time status
  • Port calls
  • Vessel particulars
  • Email/Slack support
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Frequently Asked Question

  • Does fleetr have a free trial?

    No. We already offer a Hobby plan, you can start using fleetr from the Hobby plan, it's completed free, no strings attached.

  • I have a free account, how do I upgrade to a paid one?

    You can just subscribe or unsubscribe to a paid plan anytime.

  • Can I get a refund for my subscription?

    No. We cannot refund your subscription once the payment goes through, but you can unsubscribe at any time, you will downgrade to Hobby Plan in the next billing cycle, which is completed free.

  • How do I pay?

    We use Paddle to handle our payments, which means you can use any credit or debit card to pay for your subscription.

  • Can I get an invoice?

    Yes. You can get an invoice for your subscription monthly or annually.

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Early Bird Coupon
20% off on every payment.
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